The world breathed a sigh of relief when the WhatsApp Dark Mode finally rolled out a few months ago, after what was certainly a long wait. It arrived on Android and for the Apple iPhone users in March. But it seems the iPhone users got what was a better version of the Dark Mode for WhatsApp for their phones. With most of the recent iPhones using OLED displays, they were able to get a better-looking dark mode, with inky blacks driven nicely by the underlying display technology in use. But changes are underway which when released would surely make Android users feel better about using WhatsApp on their phones, with the Dark Mode on.
Android users, often saddled with inferior display technology particularly on the lower-priced Android phones, had to make do with a Dark Mode for WhatsApp which often looked dark grey or dark green. It just didn’t look as good and lacked a sort of colour consistency that iOS has. Facebook is working on some changes for the Dark Mode and how it works on the Android app for WhatsApp. One of the changes being considered is swapping the solid green colour on the chat bubbles with something that is a bit more transparent.
That being said, the switch to a more transparent green may just be the first of multiple changes and tweaks that we could see in the coming days. It is most certainly not clear at this time as to when the updated Dark Mode for WhatsApp for Android will be ready for rollout to everyone. This comes just after it was revealed that WhatsApp is also working on a search feature, that lets you search for messages by time.
Android users, often saddled with inferior display technology particularly on the lower-priced Android phones, had to make do with a Dark Mode for WhatsApp which often looked dark grey or dark green. It just didn’t look as good and lacked a sort of colour consistency that iOS has. Facebook is working on some changes for the Dark Mode and how it works on the Android app for WhatsApp. One of the changes being considered is swapping the solid green colour on the chat bubbles with something that is a bit more transparent.
That being said, the switch to a more transparent green may just be the first of multiple changes and tweaks that we could see in the coming days. It is most certainly not clear at this time as to when the updated Dark Mode for WhatsApp for Android will be ready for rollout to everyone. This comes just after it was revealed that WhatsApp is also working on a search feature, that lets you search for messages by time.
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